Home | > | List of people | > | Blessed Mpofu | > | Records made by Blessed Mpofu |
The following is a list of the records made by Blessed Mpofu in species name order.
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No | Species | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
76561 | Acalypha petiolaris | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In wooded grassland | Zambezi National Park | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 918 | -17.858250 | 25.635860 | 7 | ||||||
76726 | Acanthospermum hispidum | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | On open wooded grassy riverbank. | Zambezi River, Zambezi National PaArk. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 908 | -17.850920 | 25.544330 | 7 | ||||||
76553 | Aerva leucura | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In grassland. | Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 977 | -17.958000 | 25.708120 | 6 | ||||||
76569 | Afrosolen erythranthus | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | Among grasses in open woodland on basalt. | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 930 | Common; darker mauve and paler-flowered forms together. | 6 | |||||||
80065 | Ampelocissus africana var. africana | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In open woodland on basalt rock. | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 909 | -17.842060 | 25.558680 | 7 | ||||||
76628 | Aspilia mossambicensis | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In tall woodland on kalahari sand. | Along western boundary road, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 968 | -17.886680 | 25.543940 | 7 | ||||||
76624 | Bidens biternata | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | At roadside margin of tall mixed woodland. | Near western boundary, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 946 | -17.889420 | 25.536210 | 7 | ||||||
114388 | Biophytum umbraculum | 01 Feb 2021 | BP Mpofu |
N Wightman | BT Wursten | On riverbank | Near Mpala Jena Fishing Camp, Zambezi National Park | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 902 | -17.836260 | 25.698720 | 6 | |||||
76859 | Burkea africana | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In clearing in woodland on kalahari sand. | Along track to Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 984 | -17.957520 | 25.691140 | 7 | ||||||
76632 | Canthium glaucum subsp. frangula var. frangula | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along western boundary road, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 939 | -17.885090 | 25.529440 | 7 | ||||||
80055 | Carphalea pubescens | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In open woodland | Zambezi National Park | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 941 | -17.848590 | 25.569220 | 7 | ||||||
80062 | Ceratotheca sesamoides | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In rocky open woodland on basalt | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 909 | -17.842260 | 25.557840 | 7 | ||||||
76557 | Chamaecrista absus | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In grassland. | Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 977 | -17.958000 | 25.708120 | 6 | ||||||
76549 | Chamaecrista stricta | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In grassland. | Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 977 | -17.958000 | 25.708120 | 6 | ||||||
76725 | Chamaecrista stricta | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | On open wooded grassy riverbank. | Zambezi River, Zambezi National PaArk. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 908 | -17.850920 | 25.544330 | 7 | ||||||
76575 | Chrysanthellum indicum subsp. afro-americanum | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | MA Hyde | In rocky grassland on basalt. | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 938 | -17.847630 | 25.568110 | 7 | |||||
119285 | Cissus cornifolia | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In open woodland | Zambezi National Park | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 941 | Unusual climbing shoot with tendrils developed. iNaturalist record | -17.848590 | 25.569220 | 7 | |||||
76473 | Citrullus lanatus | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | Along track at margin of mature mixed woodland | Near western boundary, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 920 | -17.865360 | 25.528840 | 7 | ||||||
76476 | Cleome hirta | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | Along track at margin of mature mixed woodland | Near western boundary, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 920 | Abundant throughout much of the park after heavy rains. | -17.865360 | 25.528840 | 7 | |||||
76579 | Cleome hirta | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In open sandy soils on basalt rock. | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 914 | -17.855580 | 25.608670 | 7 | ||||||
76483 | Clerodendrum ternatum | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | Among grasses in sandy soils on basalt rock. | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 915 | -17.855960 | 25.608640 | 7 | ||||||
76564 | Combretum adenogonium | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In wooded grassland | Zambezi National Park | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 918 | -17.858250 | 25.635860 | 7 | ||||||
76626 | Commelina africana | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In tall woodland on kalahari sand. | Along western boundary road, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 968 | -17.886680 | 25.543940 | 7 | ||||||
76550 | Convolvulus sagittatus | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In grassland. | Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 977 | -17.958000 | 25.708120 | 6 | ||||||
76625 | Crossopteryx febrifuga | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In tall woodland on kalahari sand. | Along western boundary road, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 968 | -17.886680 | 25.543940 | 7 | ||||||
76559 | Crotalaria laburnifolia subsp. laburnifolia | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In grassland. | Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 981 | -17.958910 | 25.694700 | 7 | ||||||
76571 | Crotalaria podocarpa | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | Among grasses in open woodland on basalt. | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 933 | Large stipules with asymmetric base characteristic. | -17.847920 | 25.565750 | 6 | |||||
76627 | Diplorhynchus condylocarpon | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In tall woodland on kalahari sand. | Along western boundary road, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 968 | -17.886680 | 25.543940 | 7 | ||||||
76635 | Duosperma crenatum | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along western boundary road, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 939 | -17.885090 | 25.529440 | 7 | ||||||
76554 | Enicostema axillare subsp. axillare | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In grassland. | Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 977 | -17.958000 | 25.708120 | 6 | ||||||
77277 | Euphorbia crotonoides subsp. crotonoides | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along western boundary road, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 939 | -17.885090 | 25.529440 | 7 | ||||||
80069 | Euploca katangensis | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | At margin of reeds on sandbank. | Sandbank island in Zambezi River, Zambezi National Park | 176 | 0 | Zambia | 1725D3 | W | 906 | -17.841170 | 25.568870 | 7 | ||||||
76552 | Euploca ovalifolia | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In grassland. | Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 977 | -17.958000 | 25.708120 | 6 | ||||||
76580 | Feretia aeruginescens | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In open woodland on basalt rock. | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 914 | -17.855580 | 25.608670 | 7 | ||||||
80067 | Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In open woodland on basalt | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 914 | -17.853170 | 25.596570 | 7 | ||||||
76577 | Friesodielsia obovata | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In open woodland on basalt rock. | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 914 | -17.855580 | 25.608670 | 7 | ||||||
76481 | Gisekia africana | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In open sandy soils on basalt rock. | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 914 | Common; flowers mostly deep pink; stamens numerous. | -17.855580 | 25.608670 | 7 | |||||
76560 | Gladiolus dalenii subsp. dalenii | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In wooded grassland | Zambezi National Park | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 918 | Flowers in the area all pale yellow; not bright yellow as by Victoria Falls | 7 | |||||||
76855 | Gloriosa superba | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In Kalahari sand woodland | Along track from Kazungula road to Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 1042 | Bright orange kalahari sand form. | -17.931510 | 25.674840 | 7 | |||||
76722 | Gomphrena celosioides | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | On open wooded grassy riverbank. | Zambezi River, Zambezi National PaArk. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 908 | -17.850920 | 25.544330 | 7 | ||||||
77278 | Hippocratea indica | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along western boundary road, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 939 | -17.885090 | 25.529440 | 7 | ||||||
76570 | Hoslundia opposita | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In open woodland on basalt | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 914 | -17.853170 | 25.596570 | 7 | ||||||
76566 | Indigofera schimperi var. schimperi | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In open woodland on basalt. | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 970 | -17.876640 | 25.622180 | 7 | ||||||
76723 | Ipomoea coptica var. coptica | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | On open wooded grassy riverbank. | Zambezi River, Zambezi National PaArk. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 908 | -17.850920 | 25.544330 | 7 | ||||||
76475 | Ipomoea obscura var. obscura | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | At roadside margin of tall mixed woodland. | Near western boundary, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 946 | -17.889420 | 25.536210 | 7 | ||||||
76634 | Lantana angolensis | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In woodland on kalahari sand | At western boundary road, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 939 | -17.885090 | 25.529440 | 7 | ||||||
76721 | Nidorella resedifolia subsp. resedifolia | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | On open wooded grassy riverbank. | Zambezi River, Zambezi National PaArk. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 908 | -17.850920 | 25.544330 | 7 | ||||||
80066 | Ocimum americanum | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In open woodland on basalt | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 914 | -17.853170 | 25.596570 | 7 | ||||||
76474 | Oxygonum sinuatum | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | Along side of track in woodland among grasses. | Near western boundary, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 928 | Mainly in disturbed areas. | -17.845760 | 25.549050 | 7 | |||||
76478 | Parinari curatellifolia | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In mature mixed woodland | Near western boundary, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 920 | One single large and tall tree seen. | -17.865360 | 25.528840 | 7 | |||||
76563 | Phyllanthus maderaspatensis | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In wooded grassland | Zambezi National Park | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 918 | -17.858250 | 25.635860 | 7 | ||||||
76691 | Polygala erioptera | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In grassland at edge of vlei. | Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 979 | -17.958720 | 25.689040 | 7 | ||||||
101755 | Pupalia lappacea var. velutina | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along western boundary road, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 939 | -17.885090 | 25.529440 | 7 | ||||||
76724 | Senna occidentalis | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | On open wooded grassy riverbank. | Zambezi River, Zambezi National PaArk. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 908 | -17.850920 | 25.544330 | 7 | ||||||
76551 | Solanum campylacanthum 'panduriforme type' | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In grassland. | Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 977 | -17.958000 | 25.708120 | 6 | ||||||
76633 | Stylochaeton puberulus | 18 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing C Robertson BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | Among grasses in shade of shrubs in mixed woodland. | Along western boundary road, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 957 | -17.880020 | 25.561020 | 7 | ||||||
76556 | Syncolostemon bracteosus | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In grassland. | Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 977 | -17.958000 | 25.708120 | 6 | ||||||
76562 | Tephrosia lupinifolia | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In wooded grassland | Zambezi National Park | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 918 | -17.858250 | 25.635860 | 7 | ||||||
76482 | Tribulus terrestris | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | Among grasses in sandy soils on basalt rock. | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 914 | Common everywhere | -17.855580 | 25.608670 | 7 | |||||
80060 | Tricliceras lobatum | 15 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In rocky open woodland on basalt. | Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 945 | -17.848610 | 25.569080 | 7 | ||||||
76555 | Tylosema fassoglense | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In grassland. | Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 977 | -17.958000 | 25.708120 | 6 | ||||||
76856 | Tylosema fassoglense | 16 Jan 2017 | BT Wursten P Ballings J Laing BP Mpofu |
BT Wursten | In clearing in woodland on kalahari sand. | Along track to Chamabonda Vlei, Zambezi National Park. | 176 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1725D3 | W | 984 | -17.957520 | 25.691140 | 7 |
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