Ottelia exserta (Ridl.) Dandy

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All records: View Malawi records only

Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number    No of images    Record date    Recorder(s)    Coll.    Det.    Conf.    Herbaria    Habitat    Location    Loc code(s)    Outing code    Planted code    Country    QDS    Grid ref.    FZ Div    Alt. (m)    Notes    Lat    Long    Loc Acc Code   
98577031 Jul 2018BT Wursten
AB Potter
I Kuziel
BT Wursten
BT Wursten


Margin of large sasonal pan Along road no. 11, Gorongosa National park140Mozambique1934B1 MS27-19.00938034.5244307
7181801 Jun 2015J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Pan off of Road 1, between junction with Roads 2 and 3, Gorongosa National Park140Mozambique1834C4 MS0Floating pan plant with small transparent to white flowers. Leaves are oval to almond shaped, smooth. Elongated bladders that branch separately from the leaves.-18.95772034.3723207
7181901 Jun 2015J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Pan off of Road 1, between junction with Roads 2 and 3, Gorongosa National Park140Mozambique1834C4 MS0Floating pan plant with small transparent to white flowers. Leaves are oval to almond shaped, smooth. Elongated bladders that branch separately from the leaves.-18.95772034.3723207
7182001 Jun 2015J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Pan off of Road 1, between junction with Roads 2 and 3, Gorongosa National Park140Mozambique1834C4 MS0Floating pan plant with small transparent to white flowers. Leaves are oval to almond shaped, smooth. Elongated bladders that branch separately from the leaves.-18.95772034.3723207
7182101 Jun 2015J Guyton
J Guyton
BT Wursten
Pan off of Road 1, between junction with Roads 2 and 3, Gorongosa National Park140Mozambique1834C4 MS0Floating pan plant with small transparent to white flowers. Leaves are oval to almond shaped, smooth. Elongated bladders that branch separately from the leaves.-18.95772034.3723207
60302614 Jun 2014BT Wursten
T Castigo
BT Wursten
Aquatic in seasonal pan Along road No1 between No2 and No3, Gorongosa National Park 140Mozambique1834C4 MS30Large colony of aquatic plants; flowering -18.95776034.3723607
60308411 Jun 2014BT Wursten
T Castigo
J Guyton
BT Wursten
T Castigo
BT Wursten



Aquatic in seasonal pan at margin of sand forest Sandforest loop, Gorongosa National Park 140Mozambique1834C4 MS37Leaves ovate, rounded to somewhat cordate at the base -18.96137734.3427127
784330 Jun 2012MP Kennedy
A Bruce
MP Kennedy
A Bruce
wasa0112 - S269
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
Lake, pool, lagoonLake Wasa (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1230C1 C1180Species present in 20% of sample points.-12.50348030.1312306
784320 Jun 2012MP Kennedy
A Bruce
MP Kennedy
A Bruce
kasr0312 - S266
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelKasanka (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1230C2 C1186Species present in 20% of sample points.-12.59160030.2516806
784310 May 2012MP Kennedy
A Bruce
MP Kennedy
A Bruce
luku3012 - S250
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
Lake, pool, lagoonLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C4 N1173Species present in 20% of sample points.-11.94980030.2694506
784300 May 2012MP Kennedy
A Bruce
MP Kennedy
A Bruce
luku0312 - S248
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
Lake, pool, lagoonLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C3 N1172Species present in 20% of sample points.-11.94905030.2386006
110026013 Jun 2010JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows

Gaza Province, Limpopo Transfrontier National Park, Tseka Pan, between Macandezulo and northern park gate near Mapai.0Mozambique2331B2 GI349Aquatic herb rooted in mud below water level, leaves floating, white flowers held erect just out of water; occasional in pan in area of deciduous woodland on sands ('sand forest').-23.02111131.7533337
784280 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku2008 - S44
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C4 N1173Species present in 40% of sample points.-11.95767030.2542006
784140 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku0108 - S25
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
Lake, pool, lagoonLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C3 N1172Species present in 100% of sample points.-11.95127030.2394806
784150 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku0208 - S26
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
Lake, pool, lagoonLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C3 N1172Species present in 20% of sample points.-11.95018030.2394006
784160 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku0308 - S27
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
Lake, pool, lagoonLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C3 N1172Species present in 100% of sample points.-11.94905030.2386006
784170 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku0408 - S28
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
Lake, pool, lagoonLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C3 N1172Species present in 40% of sample points.-11.94638030.2374706
784180 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku0508 - S29
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
Lake, pool, lagoonLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C3 N1173Species present in 100% of sample points.-11.94557030.2369506
784190 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku0708 - S31
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C3 N1172Species present in 100% of sample points.-11.93905030.2313306
784290 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku2108 - S45
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C4 N1173Species present in 80% of sample points.-11.95545030.2539806
784200 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku0808 - S32
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C3 N1172Species present in 60% of sample points.-11.93985030.2296806
784270 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku1908 - S43
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C4 N1173Species present in 80% of sample points.-11.95853030.2541306
784260 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku1808 - S42
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
Lake, pool, lagoonLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C4 N1173Species present in 40% of sample points.-11.96005030.2551006
784250 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku1708 - S41
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
Lake, pool, lagoonLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C4 N1173Species present in 100% of sample points.-11.95977030.2557006
784240 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku1208 - S36
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C4 N1173Species present in 20% of sample points.-11.95387030.2543706
784230 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku1108 - S35
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C3 N1172Species present in 100% of sample points.-11.95487030.2499706
784220 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku1008 - S34
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C3 N1172Species present in 80% of sample points.-11.95452030.2480006
784210 Aug 2008MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
J Tapia Grimaldo
luku0908 - S33
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelLukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1130C3 N1172Species present in 80% of sample points.-11.95332030.2465006
110025020 Jul 2003JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows

Swamps between Macuti and the airport, Beira.0Mozambique1934D4 MS0Aquatic with floating leaves but white flowers held erect above the water surface.2

Total records found: 29

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Malawi: Species information: Records of: Ottelia exserta., retrieved 14 March 2025

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