Home | > | List of families | > | Hydrocharitaceae | > | Ottelia | > | exserta | > | Records |
Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.
Record number | No of images | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
71818 | 0 | 1 Jun 2015 | J Guyton | J Guyton JAG_15_267A | BT Wursten | Pan off of Road 1, between junction with Roads 2 and 3, Gorongosa National Park | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C4 | MS | 0 | Floating pan plant with small transparent to white flowers. Leaves are oval to almond shaped, smooth. Elongated bladders that branch separately from the leaves. | -18.957720 | 34.372320 | 7 | |||||
71819 | 0 | 1 Jun 2015 | J Guyton | J Guyton JAG_15_267B | BT Wursten | Pan off of Road 1, between junction with Roads 2 and 3, Gorongosa National Park | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C4 | MS | 0 | Floating pan plant with small transparent to white flowers. Leaves are oval to almond shaped, smooth. Elongated bladders that branch separately from the leaves. | -18.957720 | 34.372320 | 7 | |||||
71820 | 0 | 1 Jun 2015 | J Guyton | J Guyton JAG_15_267C | BT Wursten | Pan off of Road 1, between junction with Roads 2 and 3, Gorongosa National Park | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C4 | MS | 0 | Floating pan plant with small transparent to white flowers. Leaves are oval to almond shaped, smooth. Elongated bladders that branch separately from the leaves. | -18.957720 | 34.372320 | 7 | |||||
71821 | 0 | 1 Jun 2015 | J Guyton | J Guyton JAG_15_267D | BT Wursten | Pan off of Road 1, between junction with Roads 2 and 3, Gorongosa National Park | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C4 | MS | 0 | Floating pan plant with small transparent to white flowers. Leaves are oval to almond shaped, smooth. Elongated bladders that branch separately from the leaves. | -18.957720 | 34.372320 | 7 | |||||
110025 | 0 | 20 Jul 2003 | JE Burrows SM Burrows | JE Burrows SM Burrows s.n. | JE Burrows | BNRH | Swamps between Macuti and the airport, Beira. | 0 | Mozambique | 1934D4 | MS | 0 | Aquatic with floating leaves but white flowers held erect above the water surface. | 2 | |||||||
98577 | 0 | 31 Jul 2018 | BT Wursten AB Potter I Kuziel | BT Wursten BW2016 | BT Wursten | BR EOWBL | Margin of large sasonal pan | Along road no. 11, Gorongosa National park | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1934B1 | MS | 27 | -19.009380 | 34.524430 | 7 | ||||
60302 | 6 | 14 Jun 2014 | BT Wursten T Castigo | BT Wursten | Aquatic in seasonal pan | Along road No1 between No2 and No3, Gorongosa National Park | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C4 | MS | 30 | Large colony of aquatic plants; flowering | -18.957760 | 34.372360 | 7 | |||||
60308 | 4 | 11 Jun 2014 | BT Wursten T Castigo J Guyton | BT Wursten T Castigo BW914 | BT Wursten | BR TCT-CatapĂș EOWBL | Aquatic in seasonal pan at margin of sand forest | Sandforest loop, Gorongosa National Park | 14 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834C4 | MS | 37 | Leaves ovate, rounded to somewhat cordate at the base | -18.961377 | 34.342712 | 7 | |||
110026 | 0 | 13 Jun 2010 | JE Burrows SM Burrows | JE Burrows SM Burrows 11861 | JE Burrows | BNRH | Gaza Province, Limpopo Transfrontier National Park, Tseka Pan, between Macandezulo and northern park gate near Mapai. | 0 | Mozambique | 2331B2 | GI | 349 | Aquatic herb rooted in mud below water level, leaves floating, white flowers held erect just out of water; occasional in pan in area of deciduous woodland on sands ('sand forest'). | -23.021111 | 31.753333 | 7 | |||||
78414 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku0108 - S25 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | Lake, pool, lagoon | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C3 | N | 1172 | Species present in 100% of sample points. | -11.951270 | 30.239480 | 6 | |||||
78419 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku0708 - S31 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | River channel | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C3 | N | 1172 | Species present in 100% of sample points. | -11.939050 | 30.231330 | 6 | |||||
78420 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku0808 - S32 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | River channel | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C3 | N | 1172 | Species present in 60% of sample points. | -11.939850 | 30.229680 | 6 | |||||
78421 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku0908 - S33 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | River channel | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C3 | N | 1172 | Species present in 80% of sample points. | -11.953320 | 30.246500 | 6 | |||||
78422 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku1008 - S34 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | River channel | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C3 | N | 1172 | Species present in 80% of sample points. | -11.954520 | 30.248000 | 6 | |||||
78423 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku1108 - S35 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | River channel | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C3 | N | 1172 | Species present in 100% of sample points. | -11.954870 | 30.249970 | 6 | |||||
78415 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku0208 - S26 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | Lake, pool, lagoon | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C3 | N | 1172 | Species present in 20% of sample points. | -11.950180 | 30.239400 | 6 | |||||
78416 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku0308 - S27 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | Lake, pool, lagoon | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C3 | N | 1172 | Species present in 100% of sample points. | -11.949050 | 30.238600 | 6 | |||||
78417 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku0408 - S28 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | Lake, pool, lagoon | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C3 | N | 1172 | Species present in 40% of sample points. | -11.946380 | 30.237470 | 6 | |||||
78430 | 0 | May 2012 | MP Kennedy A Bruce | MP Kennedy A Bruce luku0312 - S248 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | Lake, pool, lagoon | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C3 | N | 1172 | Species present in 20% of sample points. | -11.949050 | 30.238600 | 6 | |||||
78427 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku1908 - S43 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | River channel | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C4 | N | 1173 | Species present in 80% of sample points. | -11.958530 | 30.254130 | 6 | |||||
78431 | 0 | May 2012 | MP Kennedy A Bruce | MP Kennedy A Bruce luku3012 - S250 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | Lake, pool, lagoon | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C4 | N | 1173 | Species present in 20% of sample points. | -11.949800 | 30.269450 | 6 | |||||
78429 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku2108 - S45 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | River channel | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C4 | N | 1173 | Species present in 80% of sample points. | -11.955450 | 30.253980 | 6 | |||||
78428 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku2008 - S44 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | River channel | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C4 | N | 1173 | Species present in 40% of sample points. | -11.957670 | 30.254200 | 6 | |||||
78426 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku1808 - S42 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | Lake, pool, lagoon | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C4 | N | 1173 | Species present in 40% of sample points. | -11.960050 | 30.255100 | 6 | |||||
78425 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku1708 - S41 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | Lake, pool, lagoon | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C4 | N | 1173 | Species present in 100% of sample points. | -11.959770 | 30.255700 | 6 | |||||
78424 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku1208 - S36 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | River channel | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C4 | N | 1173 | Species present in 20% of sample points. | -11.953870 | 30.254370 | 6 | |||||
78418 | 0 | Aug 2008 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy J Tapia Grimaldo luku0508 - S29 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | Lake, pool, lagoon | Lukulu (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1130C3 | N | 1173 | Species present in 100% of sample points. | -11.945570 | 30.236950 | 6 | |||||
78433 | 0 | Jun 2012 | MP Kennedy A Bruce | MP Kennedy A Bruce wasa0112 - S269 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | Lake, pool, lagoon | Lake Wasa (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1230C1 | C | 1180 | Species present in 20% of sample points. | -12.503480 | 30.131230 | 6 | |||||
78432 | 0 | Jun 2012 | MP Kennedy A Bruce | MP Kennedy A Bruce kasr0312 - S266 | MP Kennedy KJ Murphy | River channel | Kasanka (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru) | 0 | Zambia | 1230C2 | C | 1186 | Species present in 20% of sample points. | -12.591600 | 30.251680 | 6 |
Total records found: 29
Home | > | List of families | > | Hydrocharitaceae | > | Ottelia | > | exserta | > | Records |