Collections made by Warren McCleland

Records: 32

The following is a list of the records made by Warren McCleland in species name order. The records are of species which occur in malambique (either as a native/naturalised species or as a cultivated species).

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
108343Adiantum incisum15 Nov 2011W McCleland
W McCleland 778 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Quarry.0Mozambique1834D3MS147

Fern growing against rock in leaf litter. In thicket on lip of limestone gorge.

109782Alchornea laxiflora15 Nov 2011W McCleland
W McCleland 766 W McCleland WAG
Muanza Quarry.0Mozambique1834D3MS142

Shrub, c. 1.8 m tall. Fruit present. In low closed woodland/thicket on the lip of a limestone gorge; sparse understorey with dense leaf litter.

108764Asparagus africanus var. puberulus31 Oct 2013W McCleland
W McCleland 915 JE Burrows BNRH

As Asparagus puberulus in BNRH. Scrambling shrub, climbing into adjacent Gardenia resiniflua. Unopened flowers and some fruit. Growing in understorey of deciduous closed woodland dominated by Commiphora spp. and Kirkia acuminata.

108304Barleria ameliae01 Nov 2013W McCleland
W McCleland 920 I Darbyshire BNRH

Small spiny shrub growing in sun at edge of thicket. Pale orange flowers. Growing in low thicket on a small outcrop at a spring. Canopy trees are Manilkara mochisia, Acacia robusta ssp. clavigera and Dalbergia melanoxylon

108312Barleria spinulosa subsp. spinulosa03 Apr 2012W McCleland
W McCleland 852 I Darbyshire BNRH
Muanza Gorge.0Mozambique1834D3MS157

Low shrub, c. 1 m tall, growing along edge of path. In tall thicket on a low limestone outcrop.

110953Bullockia setiflora15 Nov 2011W McCleland
W McCleland 782 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Quarry.0Mozambique1834D3MS148

Small tree c. 4 m tall. In low closed woodland/thicket on the lip of a limestone gorge; sparse understorey with dense leaf litter.

109220Capparis sepiaria var. subglabra01 Nov 2013W McCleland
W McCleland 918 W McCleland WAG

Untidy, free-standing shrub c. 3 m tall. Heavily in flower. Attracted many bees. Growing in tall thicket at the edge of a floodplain lake near the Zambezi River. Dominant spp Diospyros mespiliformis and Garcinia livingstonei.

109316Celtis gomphophylla02 Apr 2012W McCleland
W McCleland 863 W McCleland WAG
Muanza Gorge.0Mozambique1834D3MS140

Small tree c. 4 m tall. In riparian forest patch on small island in Muanza River.

109691Diospyros senensis30 Oct 2013W McCleland
W McCleland 917 W McCleland WAG

Small tree, c. 4 m tall. Spine-tipped short side branches. Mostly unopened flowers, but a few open ones. Flowers pale creamy white. Growing in tall thicket on alluvial soils adjacent to a floodplain lake.

109702Diospyros squarrosa30 Oct 2013W McCleland
W McCleland 913 W McCleland WAG

Shrub c. 3 m tall. With flowers. Growing in tall thicket on alluvial soils adjacent to a floodplain lake.

110852Drypetes reticulata15 Nov 2011W McCleland
W McCleland 780 JE Burrows BNRH
Muanza Quarry.0Mozambique1834D3MS148

Small tree c. 3 m tall growing in thicket within limestone gorge.

112303Eulophia horsfallii17 Oct 2018W McCleland
N Wightman
W McCleland N Wightman NCW75A W McCleland N Wightman NU
Wet dambo grasslands Chabiilikila area, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 0Zambia0929D1 N1223

Growing in riverside grassland edge amidst Pandanus livingstonianus

106428Eulophia mumbwaensis17 Oct 2018W McCleland
N Wightman
W McCleland N Wightman NCW74 N Wightman B Bytebier NU
Miombo woodland in sandy clay soils Mumbuluma area, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 0Zambia0929D1 N1231

106430Eulophia penduliflora17 Oct 2018W McCleland
N Wightman
W McCleland N Wightman NCW73 N Wightman B Bytebier NU
Miombo woodland in sandy clay soils Mumbuluma area, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Province 0Zambia0929D1 N1226

109921Indigofera ormocarpoides03 Apr 2012W McCleland
W McCleland 850 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Gorge.0Mozambique1834D3MS158

Small shrub c. 1.3 m tall. In tall thicket on a low limestone outcrop.

109922Indigofera ormocarpoides03 Apr 2012W McCleland
W McCleland 851 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Gorge.0Mozambique1834D3MS147

In low closed woodland/thicket on limestone ridge.

109926Indigofera subulata var. scabra03 Apr 2012W McCleland
W McCleland 849 BD Schrire BNRH
Muanza Gorge.0Mozambique1834D3MS149

Low shrub c. 1 m tall. Pale pinkish orange flowers. In disturbed secondary woodland.

108322Isoglossa floribunda subsp. floribunda03 Apr 2012W McCleland
W McCleland 858 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Gorge.0Mozambique1834D3MS156

Low shrub c. 1.2 m tall, growing along edge of path with Barleria spinulosa. In tall thicket on a low limestone outcrop.

108324Justicia matammensis03 Apr 2012W McCleland
W McCleland 854 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Gorge.0Mozambique1834D3MS157

Slender herb c. 250 mm tall. In dense herbaceous understorey. In tall thicket on a low limestone outcrop.

111861Ludia mauritiana15 Nov 2011W McCleland
W McCleland 775 W McCleland WAG
Muanza Quarry.0Mozambique1834D3MS152

Small shrub c. 1 m tall. Growing in crack of limestone along rocky bed of stream in limestone gorge.

108650Marsdenia macrantha31 Oct 2013W McCleland
W McCleland 916 W McCleland WAG

Herbaceous climber into canopy of large Xanthocercis zambesiaca. Flowers pale creamy green. Growing in tall thicket on alluvial soils adjacent to a floodplain lake.

111376Pavetta klotzschiana15 Nov 2011W McCleland
W McCleland 770 JE Burrows BNRH
Muanza Quarry.0Mozambique1834D3 MS142

Shrub c. 2 m tall. Spray of white flowers. In low closed woodland/thicket on the lip of a limestone gorge.

111377Pavetta klotzschiana30 Oct 2013W McCleland
W McCleland 914 W McCleland BNRH
Moatize.0Mozambique1633B1 T135

Understorey shrub, c. 1.5 m tall. In full flower. Growing in tall thicket on alluvial soils adjacent to a floodplain lake.

111455Polysphaeria lanceolata subsp. lanceolata var. lanceolata15 Nov 2011W McCleland
W McCleland 771 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Quarry.0Mozambique1834D3MS147

Shrub c. 2 m tall growing on alluvium on bed of gorge; young fruit. In thicket within limestone gorge.

109969Pseudarthria hookeri var. hookeri03 Apr 2012W McCleland
W McCleland 848 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Gorge.0Mozambique1834D3MS147

Tall herb c. 1.5 m tall. Large sprays of pink flowers. In low closed woodland/thicket on limestone ridge.

110074Rawsonia lucida15 Nov 2011W McCleland
W McCleland 779 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Quarry.0Mozambique1834D3MS148

Small tree c. 4 m tall growing on alluvium on bed of gorge. In thicket within limestone gorge.

108330Ruspolia decurrens01 Nov 2013W McCleland
W McCleland 919 W McCleland BNRH

Herb c. 500 mm tall. Growing in sunny clearing in thicket. Pale yellow flowers with deep pink centre. Growing in low thicket on a small outcrop at a spring. Canopy trees are Manilkara mochisia, Acacia robusta ssp. clavigera and Dalbergia melanoxylon

108332Ruspolia seticalyx01 Apr 2012W McCleland
W McCleland 862 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Gorge.0Mozambique1834D3MS150

Low shrub c. 700 mm tall, growing in deep shade at edge of path. Pale pinkish red flowers. In tall riparian forest on steep slope just above Muanza River.

108337Sclerochiton kirkii15 Nov 2011W McCleland
W McCleland 768 JE Burrows WAG
Muanza Quarry.0Mozambique1834D3MS142

Leafy shrub c. 1.3 m tall. Soft, large leaves. Inflorescence with unopened flowers. In low closed woodland/thicket on the lip of a limestone gorge; sparse understorey with dense leaf litter.

110378Tiliacora funifera15 Nov 2011W McCleland
W McCleland OM777 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Quarry.0Mozambique1834D3MS147

In thicket on lip of limestone gorge.

108443Uvaria lucida subsp. virens15 Nov 2011W McCleland
W McCleland 774 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Quarry.0Mozambique1834D3MS147

Low shrub c. 1 m tall. Growing in undergrowth of thicket on lip of limestone gorge.

108880Vernonia glabra var. glabra03 Apr 2012W McCleland
W McCleland 847 W McCleland BNRH
Muanza Gorge.0Mozambique1834D3MS150

Shrub 1.5 m tall. Purple flowers. In disturbed secondary woodland.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Malawi: Collections made by Warren McCleland., retrieved 15 January 2025

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