Literature: | | |
Bailey, L.H. & Bailey, E.Z. (1976) Hortus Third. A concise Dictionary of Plants Cultivated in the United States and Canada Macmillan Publishing Co, Inc., New York | | |
Wild, H. (1961) Bombacaceae Flora Zambesiaca 1(2) | | |
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Names | FZ Divisions |
| | |
5023.000 ADANSONIA L. | | |
Adansonia digitata L. | N,C,S |
| | |
5024.000 BOMBAX L. | | |
Bombax rhodognaphalon K. Schum. | S |
Bombax mossambicense A. Robyns | | |
Bombax rhodognaphalum K. Schum. var. tomentosum A. Robyns | | |
Bombax stolzii Ulbr. | | |
Rhodognaphalon schumannianum A. Robyns sensu Coates Palgrave | | |
Rhodognaphalon stolzii (Ulbr.) A. Robyns | | |
Rhodognaphalon tanganyikense A. Robyns | | |
| | |
5026.000 CEIBA Mill. | | |
CHORISIA Kunth | | |