
The following is a list of native or naturalised species which, at least some of the time, possess this spot-character.

This includes plants which are wholly or partially parasitic.

Apodanthaceae Pilostyles aethiopica
Balanophoraceae Sarcophyte piriei
Convolvulaceae Cuscuta kilimanjari var. kilimanjari
Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis
Lauraceae Cassytha pondoensis var. pondoensis
Loranthaceae Agelanthus fuellebornii
Loranthaceae Agelanthus molleri
Loranthaceae Agelanthus nyasicus
Loranthaceae Agelanthus pungu
Loranthaceae Agelanthus sambesiacus
Loranthaceae Agelanthus subulatus
Loranthaceae Agelanthus zizyphifolius subsp. vittatus
Loranthaceae Englerina cordata
Loranthaceae Erianthemum dregei
Loranthaceae Erianthemum nyikense
Loranthaceae Globimetula mweroensis
Loranthaceae Phragmanthera eminii
Loranthaceae Plicosepalus kalachariensis
Loranthaceae Spragueanella rhamnifolia
Loranthaceae Tapinanthus dependens
Loranthaceae Tapinanthus erianthus
Loranthaceae Tapinanthus forbesii
Loranthaceae Tapinanthus oleifolius
Olacaceae Ximenia caffra var. caffra
Olacaceae Ximenia caffra var. natalensis
Orobanchaceae Alectra asperrima
Orobanchaceae Alectra orobanchoides
Orobanchaceae Alectra parasitica
Orobanchaceae Alectra picta
Orobanchaceae Alectra rigida
Orobanchaceae Alectra sessiliflora var. senegalensis
Orobanchaceae Alectra sessiliflora var. monticola
Orobanchaceae Alectra sessiliflora var. sessiliflora
Orobanchaceae Alectra vogelii
Orobanchaceae Buchnera buchneroides All species of Buchnera entered as hemiparasitic but exact position not clear
Orobanchaceae Buchnera cryptocephala var. cryptocephala All species of Buchnera entered as hemiparasitic but exact position not clear
Orobanchaceae Buchnera eylesii All species of Buchnera entered as hemiparasitic but exact position not clear
Orobanchaceae Buchnera hispida All species of Buchnera entered as hemiparasitic but exact position not clear
Orobanchaceae Buchnera lastii subsp. lastii All species of Buchnera entered as hemiparasitic but exact position not clear
Orobanchaceae Buchnera leptostachya All species of Buchnera entered as hemiparasitic but exact position not clear
Orobanchaceae Buchnera randii All species of Buchnera entered as hemiparasitic but exact position not clear
Orobanchaceae Buchnera speciosa All species of Buchnera entered as hemiparasitic but exact position not clear
Orobanchaceae Cycnium adonense subsp. adonense
Orobanchaceae Cycnium tubulosum
Orobanchaceae Melasma calycinum
Orobanchaceae Orobanche minor
Orobanchaceae Rhamphicarpa fistulosa
Orobanchaceae Sopubia eminii
Orobanchaceae Sopubia karaguensis var. macrocalyx
Orobanchaceae Sopubia karaguensis var. karaguensis
Orobanchaceae Sopubia mannii var. mannii
Orobanchaceae Sopubia mannii var. tenuifolia
Orobanchaceae Sopubia ramosa
Orobanchaceae Sopubia simplex
Orobanchaceae Striga angustifolia
Orobanchaceae Striga asiatica
Orobanchaceae Striga bilabiata
Orobanchaceae Striga elegans
Orobanchaceae Striga forbesii
Orobanchaceae Striga gesnerioides
Santalaceae Osyridicarpos schimperianus Is this species really hemiparasitic?
Santalaceae Osyris lanceolata Is this species really hemiparasitic?
Santalaceae Thesium dissitum
Santalaceae Thesium fastigiatum
Santalaceae Thesium goetzeanum
Santalaceae Thesium nigricans
Santalaceae Thesium whyteanum
Santalaceae Viscum combreticola
Santalaceae Viscum congdonii
Santalaceae Viscum goetzei
Santalaceae Viscum menyharthii
Santalaceae Viscum shirense
Santalaceae Viscum triflorum
Santalaceae Viscum tuberculatum
Number of species: 74

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Malawi: List of species with each spot-character: Parasitic., retrieved 3 December 2024

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