Acacia gerrardii Benth.
var. gerrardii

QDS maps by: Google Maps Point records by Google Maps

All records: View Malawi records only

Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number    No of images    Record date    Recorder(s)    Coll.    Det.    Conf.    Herbaria    Habitat    Location    Loc code(s)    Outing code    Planted code    Country    QDS    Grid ref.    FZ Div    Alt. (m)    Notes    Lat    Long    Loc Acc Code   
124746023 Mar 2024MA Hyde
D de Swardt
MA Hyde
In gardenBlue Haze Lane, Umwinsidale12Zimbabwe1731C1 C1391-17.71510031.1909027
124745012 Mar 2024MA Hyde
T Alegria
J Van Bel
MA Hyde
Open woodlandNational Botanic Garden, Harare1,212Zimbabwe1731C3 C1510Flowers white-17.79921931.0547177
122967011 Sep 2023MA Hyde
MA Hyde
For sale at nurseryEmerald Seedlings Nursery, Alpes Road2Zimbabwe1731C1 C1543-17.71104331.0749927
122509022 Aug 2023MA Hyde
T Alegria
J Van Bel
MA Hyde
T Alegria
J Van Bel
In woodlandBotanic Garden, Harare1,212Zimbabwe1731C3 C1521-17.80017431.0559837
12250801 Aug 2023MA Hyde
T Alegria
J Van Bel
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
In woodlandBotanic Garden, Harare1,212Zimbabwe1731C3 C1525-17.80012731.0560607
120716017 Apr 2023MA Hyde
T Alegria
MA Hyde
T Alegria
Disturbed woodlandMafungautsi Forest2320Zimbabwe1829A3 N1274-18.46003429.0299627
120496015 Apr 2023MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
Dry somewhat degraded mopane woodlandBy road from Kwekwe to Gokwe0Zimbabwe1829C2 C1129-18.72779729.4199707
12027105 Apr 2023MA Hyde
T Alegria
J Van Bel
MA Hyde
Open woodlandNational Botanic Garden, Harare1,212Zimbabwe1731C3 C1527Paired straight thorns, very prominent cushions, flowers white balls, 6-8 pairs of pinnate; rhachis grooved.-17.80014631.0560737
116257022 Feb 2022MA Hyde
D Wakeling
MA Hyde
In open woodland on rocky hill11, Lyndhurst Road, Monavale10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1471-17.80411331.0189567
115635028 Aug 2021MA Hyde
T Alegria
J Van Bel
MA Hyde
T Alegria
WoodlandInterpretive area, Mukuvisi Woodland1,22Zimbabwe1731C3 C1497-17.83698431.0891967
115305016 May 2021MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
MA Hyde
In rocky woodland with planted species25, Trafalgar Avenue, Sentosa, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1504-17.78886431.0113727
11258304 Jul 2020MA Hyde
MA Hyde
On an anthill41, Ridgeview Drive, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1482In fruit - frs grey, curved-17.78881431.0151187
103840016 May 2019M Coates Palgrave
C Sharp
M Coates Palgrave
Woodland, vacant plotErica Hepburn Ave, Illanda, Bulawayo810Zimbabwe2028B1 W1361-20.18063528.6182257
99527026 Dec 2018MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
WoodlandClose to Fenella Drive, Monavale Vlei1,770Zimbabwe1731C3 C1460-17.80580631.0104777
96000021 Apr 2018MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
Miombo woodland (Brachystegia boehmii and Julbernardia globiflora)By road in to Hippo Pools680Zimbabwe1731B2 N782-17.07596631.8369237
77253025 Feb 2017MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
T Alegria
MA Hyde
Edge of grassland25, Trafalgar Avenue, Sentosa, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1495-17.78884131.0113257
110386020 Sep 2016T Parker
T Parker
MS Mothogoane



Mbuna Bay Lodge, ridge east of the lodge.0Mozambique1234D4 N576Tree, 7 meters tall, in fruit.-12.81893034.8010506
69902011 Feb 2016M Coates Palgrave
Wooded grasslandBeside road between Kabwe and Lusaka0Zambia1428C2 C1180-14.56341128.2811177
120436015 Jan 2016BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
In very open Acacia dominated woodland. Tshabalala Nature Reserve, Bulawayo.1810Zimbabwe2028B1 W1421iNaturalist record-20.23878028.5687207
9365609 Nov 2015MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
TM Müller
WoodlandNew Years Gift Estate, Chipinge district0Zimbabwe2032B1 E795-20.09561032.5634907
65968021 Mar 2015M Coates Palgrave
M Coates Palgrave
Miombo woodlandChoma, Nansai, Masuku Lodge0Zambia1627C1 S1220-16.65103327.0699177
62925018 Jan 2015MA Hyde
BT Wursten
M Coates Palgrave
P Ballings
In Brachystegia boehmii woodlandSouthern Cross Farm, Chegutu0Zimbabwe1830A1 C1170-18.11238030.2046007
54412425 Jan 2014MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Open woodlandNear Monavale Vlei1,770Zimbabwe1731C3 C1460In flower and fruit-17.80587031.0106807
121329018 Aug 2013MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
Open area with disturbed woodlandOpposite Braeside Shopping centre.10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1482-17.84112031.0682907
23545026 Apr 2009M Coates Palgrave
Lanark Game Park0Zimbabwe1830B2 C1380-18.03173030.9058500
23627026 Apr 2009MA Hyde
Open woodland with scattered trees and termite moundsLanark Game Park0Zimbabwe1830B2 C1400-18.02810030.9174400
6390017 Jun 2006MA Hyde
In Brachystegia boehmii woodlandGold Dust Township, Mazvikadei260Zimbabwe1730A2 TR239916N12000
3130031 Jul 1998MA Hyde
M Silva-Jones
A MacNaughtan
C.33 kms from Mt Darwin towards Rushinga0Zimbabwe1631D2 US767523N9000
80727031 Dec 1972DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe
RE Gereau

Along roadFeira District; 25 km from Feira along road to Katondwe Mission.0Zambia1530A4 C400Large tree, c. 12 m high with spreading, more or less umbrella-shaped crown. Flrs cream. Mopane woodland.-15.40000030.3166675
8072607 Nov 1972DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe
RE Gereau

Lusaka, University of Zambia campus.0Zambia1528A4 C1300c. 9 m high tree with short straight stem and roundish crown, just outside Biology Building, UNZA. Spines inconspicuous, flrs cream.-15.41666728.2833335
8072504 Nov 1972DB Fanshawe
DB Fanshawe
RE Gereau

Lusaka District; 8 miles from Chilanga along road to Kafue township.0Zambia1528C1 C1022Small tree, c. 6 m high, profusely flowering. Flrs white to pale yellow. Found on remnants of miombo wiidland on roadside in farming area.-15.66666728.2333335
80728012 Nov 1966RM Lawton
RM Lawton
RE Gereau

Associates with A. polycantha, conbetum Sp. Entada PilistigimaZizyphie-Lusaka-Chikupi Road. 0Zambia1528C1 C0Tree, 20 feet, old bark red and fissured. Pairs of large thorns persistant, also pairs of short thorns. Heads of white flower-Acacia SP.-15.53333328.1833335
8073101 Sep 1959 RE Gereau

Barotseland: Inuaha and Sinjembele0Zambia1723A4 B0Habitat: River bank-17.31666723.3333335
80724015 Jun 1957A Angus
A Angus
RE Gereau

In Acacia-Albizzia-Terminalia-Lonchocarpus scattered tree-tall grass woodland on red clay loam overlying limestone.Mt. Makulu Research Station near Chilanga. 1510Zambia1528C2 C0Tree 20 ft., rounded crown.-15.60000028.2833334
80729024 Jan 1957P Simwanda
P Simwanda
RE Gereau

Bombretium Acacia woodlandMount Makulu Research Station, 10 miles S. Rusaka.1510Zambia1528C2 C0Tree 25 ft high, flat topped, flowers white, fragrant-15.56666728.2833335
8072307 Nov 1954EA Robinson
EA Robinson
Dry bush.Mapanza West. 0Zambia1626B4 S1070Rounded tree 15' high. Flowers creamy-yellow.-16.25000026.9000005
87150No date0Zimbabwe1628D2 Tree Society mapping record0
87160No date0Zimbabwe1628D4 Tree Society mapping record0
87170No date0Zimbabwe1629C3 Tree Society mapping record0
87180No date0Zimbabwe1629D4 Tree Society mapping record0
87190No date0Zimbabwe1630C1 Tree Society mapping record0
87200No date0Zimbabwe1630C3 Tree Society mapping record0
87210No date0Zimbabwe1630D1 Tree Society mapping record0
87220No date0Zimbabwe1631C3 Tree Society mapping record0
87230No date0Zimbabwe1631C4 Tree Society mapping record0
87240No date0Zimbabwe1631D2 Tree Society mapping record0
87250No date0Zimbabwe1728A2 Tree Society mapping record0
87260No date0Zimbabwe1728B2 Tree Society mapping record0
87270No date0Zimbabwe1728B4 Tree Society mapping record0
87280No date0Zimbabwe1728D2 Tree Society mapping record0
87290No date0Zimbabwe1729C3 Tree Society mapping record0
87300No date0Zimbabwe1729D4 Tree Society mapping record0
87310No date0Zimbabwe1730A1 Tree Society mapping record0
87320No date0Zimbabwe1730A2 Tree Society mapping record0
87330No date0Zimbabwe1730A4 Tree Society mapping record0
87340No date0Zimbabwe1730B1 Tree Society mapping record0
87350No date0Zimbabwe1730B2 Tree Society mapping record0
87360No date0Zimbabwe1730B3 Tree Society mapping record0
87370No date0Zimbabwe1730B4 Tree Society mapping record0
87380No date0Zimbabwe1730C2 Tree Society mapping record0
87390No date0Zimbabwe1730C3 Tree Society mapping record0
87400No date0Zimbabwe1730C4 Tree Society mapping record0
87410No date0Zimbabwe1730D1 Tree Society mapping record0
87420No date0Zimbabwe1730D2 Tree Society mapping record0
87430No date0Zimbabwe1730D3 Tree Society mapping record0
87440No date0Zimbabwe1730D4 Tree Society mapping record0
87450No date0Zimbabwe1731A1 Tree Society mapping record0
87460No date0Zimbabwe1731A2 Tree Society mapping record0
87470No date0Zimbabwe1731A3 Tree Society mapping record0
87480No date0Zimbabwe1731A4 Tree Society mapping record0
87490No date0Zimbabwe1731B1 Tree Society mapping record0
87500No date0Zimbabwe1731C1 Tree Society mapping record0
87510No date0Zimbabwe1731C4 Tree Society mapping record0
87520No date0Zimbabwe1731D4 Tree Society mapping record0
87530No date0Zimbabwe1732C3 Tree Society mapping record0
87540No date0Zimbabwe1826B4 Tree Society mapping record0
87550No date0Zimbabwe1827A3 Tree Society mapping record0
87560No date0Zimbabwe1827A4 Tree Society mapping record0
87570No date0Zimbabwe1827B1 Tree Society mapping record0
87580No date0Zimbabwe1827B4 Tree Society mapping record0
87590No date0Zimbabwe1827C1 Tree Society mapping record0
87600No date0Zimbabwe1827C2 Tree Society mapping record0
87610No date0Zimbabwe1827D1 Tree Society mapping record0
87620No date0Zimbabwe1828A1 Tree Society mapping record0
87630No date0Zimbabwe1828A2 Tree Society mapping record0
87640No date0Zimbabwe1828A3 Tree Society mapping record0
87650No date0Zimbabwe1828A4 Tree Society mapping record0
87660No date0Zimbabwe1828B2 Tree Society mapping record0
87670No date0Zimbabwe1828B3 Tree Society mapping record0
87680No date0Zimbabwe1828B4 Tree Society mapping record0
87690No date0Zimbabwe1828C2 Tree Society mapping record0
87700No date0Zimbabwe1828C4 Tree Society mapping record0
87710No date0Zimbabwe1828D1 Tree Society mapping record0
87720No date0Zimbabwe1828D2 Tree Society mapping record0
87730No date0Zimbabwe1828D3 Tree Society mapping record0
87740No date0Zimbabwe1828D4 Tree Society mapping record0
87750No date0Zimbabwe1829A1 Tree Society mapping record0
87760No date0Zimbabwe1829A2 Tree Society mapping record0
87770No date0Zimbabwe1829A3 Tree Society mapping record0
87780No date0Zimbabwe1829A4 Tree Society mapping record0
87790No date0Zimbabwe1829B1 Tree Society mapping record0
87800No date0Zimbabwe1829C1 Tree Society mapping record0
87810No date0Zimbabwe1829C2 Tree Society mapping record0
87820No date0Zimbabwe1829C4 Tree Society mapping record0
87830No date0Zimbabwe1830A1 Tree Society mapping record0
87840No date0Zimbabwe1830A2 Tree Society mapping record0
87850No date0Zimbabwe1830A3 Tree Society mapping record0
87860No date0Zimbabwe1830A4 Tree Society mapping record0
87870No date0Zimbabwe1830B1 Tree Society mapping record0
87880No date0Zimbabwe1830B2 Tree Society mapping record0
87890No date0Zimbabwe1830B3 Tree Society mapping record0
87900No date0Zimbabwe1830B4 Tree Society mapping record0
87910No date0Zimbabwe1830C1 Tree Society mapping record0
87920No date0Zimbabwe1830C2 Tree Society mapping record0
87930No date0Zimbabwe1830C3 Tree Society mapping record0
87940No date0Zimbabwe1830C4 Tree Society mapping record0
87950No date0Zimbabwe1830D1 Tree Society mapping record0
87960No date0Zimbabwe1830D3 Tree Society mapping record0
87970No date0Zimbabwe1831A4 Tree Society mapping record0
87980No date0Zimbabwe1831C2 Tree Society mapping record0
87990No date0Zimbabwe1832C4 Tree Society mapping record0
88000No date0Zimbabwe1928A2 Tree Society mapping record0
88010No date0Zimbabwe1928A4 Tree Society mapping record0
88020No date0Zimbabwe1928B2 Tree Society mapping record0
88030No date0Zimbabwe1928B3 Tree Society mapping record0
88040No date0Zimbabwe1928C4 Tree Society mapping record0
88050No date0Zimbabwe1928D2 Tree Society mapping record0
88060No date0Zimbabwe1928D3 Tree Society mapping record0
88070No date0Zimbabwe1928D4 Tree Society mapping record0
88080No date0Zimbabwe1929A1 Tree Society mapping record0
88090No date0Zimbabwe1929A3 Tree Society mapping record0
88100No date0Zimbabwe1929C1 Tree Society mapping record0
88110No date0Zimbabwe1929C4 Tree Society mapping record0
88120No date0Zimbabwe1930A2 Tree Society mapping record0
88130No date0Zimbabwe1930A4 Tree Society mapping record0
88140No date0Zimbabwe1930C3 Tree Society mapping record0
88150No date0Zimbabwe1930D4 Tree Society mapping record0
88160No date0Zimbabwe2028A2 Tree Society mapping record0
88170No date0Zimbabwe2028A3 Tree Society mapping record0
88180No date0Zimbabwe2028A4 Tree Society mapping record0
88190No date0Zimbabwe2028B1 Tree Society mapping record0
88200No date0Zimbabwe2028B2 Tree Society mapping record0
88210No date0Zimbabwe2028B3 Tree Society mapping record0
88220No date0Zimbabwe2028B4 Tree Society mapping record0
88230No date0Zimbabwe2028C1 Tree Society mapping record0
88240No date0Zimbabwe2028C2 Tree Society mapping record0
88250No date0Zimbabwe2028D1 Tree Society mapping record0
88260No date0Zimbabwe2029A2 Tree Society mapping record0
88270No date0Zimbabwe2029A3 Tree Society mapping record0
88280No date0Zimbabwe2030B1 Tree Society mapping record0
88290No date0Zimbabwe2030B2 Tree Society mapping record0
88300No date0Zimbabwe2030C2 Tree Society mapping record0
88310No date0Zimbabwe2030D3 Tree Society mapping record0
88330No date0Zimbabwe2031A4 Tree Society mapping record0
88340No date0Zimbabwe2032B1 Tree Society mapping record0
88350No date0Zimbabwe2032C1 Tree Society mapping record0
88360No date0Zimbabwe2129A1 Tree Society mapping record0
88370No date0Zimbabwe2129A4 Tree Society mapping record0
88380No date0Zimbabwe2129C3 Tree Society mapping record0
88390No date0Zimbabwe2130B3 Tree Society mapping record0
88400No date0Zimbabwe2229B1 Tree Society mapping record0
88410No date0Zimbabwe1731C3 Tree Society mapping record0
88420No date0Zimbabwe2031A2 Tree Society mapping record0
88430No date0Zimbabwe1731B4 Tree Society mapping record0
88440No date0Zimbabwe1731C2 Tree Society mapping record0
807300No dateHJ van Rensburg
HJ van Rensburg
Acacia mixed woodland and Setaria grassland, on heavy black clay soil.Naminwe crossing near Ngabo.0Zambia1526D3 S0Acacia 25 ft. high, frequent.-15.83333326.6666675
1216430No dateD de Swardt
In gardenMidsummer Hill Nursery, Glen Lorne12Zimbabwe C0Checklist 80

Total records found: 167

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Malawi: Species information: Records of: Acacia gerrardii., retrieved 14 March 2025

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