Herbs. Stipules free or joined; stipels present. Leaves 1-foliolate, rarely pinnately 3-foliolate. Inflorescences axillary, terminal or leaf-opposed, falsely racemose or rarely paniculate; the flowers usually paired. Bracts scarious. Calyx glumaceous, appearing 4-lobed, the 2 upper calyx
teeth entirely connate or almost so. Standard variously coloured. Ovary sessile or shortly stalked with several-many ovules.
Pod transversely jointed, subcylindric or somewhat flattened, constricted between the articles or
not. Comment: All species present in Malawi have very similar flowers; the leaves in the species are variable and can be similar. The only reliable way to identify specimens at species level is when fruit are present. Worldwide: 25 species in the Old World tropics Malawi: 6 taxa. |