Shrubs, less often small trees, glabrous or finely puberulous. Leaves solitary, alternate, or sometimes in pairs, one larger than the other, appearing opposite, petiolate, entire to dentate. Flowers (1)few–numerous in axillary fascicles; pedicels slender, actinomorphic. Calyx shorter than or as long as the corolla tube, shortly and broadly campanulate, 5-lobed, the lobes subequal or unequal, shorter than the tube. Corolla whitish or yellowish to greenish or brownish-green, campanulate or urceolate, occasionally tubular, 5-lobed, spreading or reflexed, the lobes ± half as long as the tube, triangular to ± oblong. Fruit baccaceous, ± globose, juicy. Seeds numerous, much compressed, orbicular or ± reniform; testa somewhat leathery. Malawi: 1 taxon. |
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