Records made by Pieter Bester

Records: 33

The following is a list of the records made by Pieter Bester in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
108308Barleria spinulosa subsp. spinulosa12 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11161 I Darbyshire PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 11 km NNW from Condué and 33 km SW of Inhaminga, Nhamfisse/Zamambo Gorge.0Mozambique1834D2MS219

Herb 0.86 m tall with violet-blue flowers. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: savanna on a limestone cliff-top. In level well-drained, stony gravel, in full sun. No biotic effect seen.

108316Blepharis maderaspatensis10 Apr 2013P Bester
P Bester 11589 MH Steyn PRE
Lumadi Forest area, ± 7.4 km SE of Matias and 26 km W of Bela Vista.0Mozambique2632A4M46

Herb, 0.30 m tall, stems erect. Petals white with blue striations. Occasional. Growing in level open woodland in well-drained sandy soil in full sun on a plain. Biotic effect: grazed.

110095Clerodendrum cephalanthum subsp. swynnertonii11 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11146 JJ Meyer PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 11 km NNW of Conduè and 33 km SW of Inhaminga.0Mozambique1834D2MS111

Tree, 3 m tall with green-white flowers; calyx pinkish purple. Growing in a limestone gorge, in forest, in light shade. In well-drained loam. Occasional.

109870Crotalaria barnabassii09 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11123 T Nkonki PRE
Gorongosa National Park, Muzamba River Gorge, 23 km SW from Inhaminga and 86 km ENE from Gorongosa Town.0Mozambique1834D2MS226

Herb 0.24 m tall with yellow flowers. Rare.-x000D- Habitat: Grassland on a limestone plateau. In well-drained sand, in full sun. No biotic effect seen.

108317Dicliptera carvalhoi subsp. carvalhoi15 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11188 I Darbyshire K
Chimanimani Mountains, ± 68 km WSW of Chimoio.0Mozambique1932B4MS1278

Herb 0.35 m tall. Flowers white with purple markings. Rare.-x000D- Habitat: Grassland on a NW-facing mountain slope. In well-drained sand, in full sun. Biotic effect: roadside.

108518Diplorhynchus condylocarpon12 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11167 P Bester PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 7.8 km NNW from Condué and 36 km SW of Inhaminga, c. 7 km W of ranger's post near Condué.0Mozambique1834D2MS230

Tree 8 m tall; fruit brown with lighter "warty surface". Latex milky yellowish. Common.-x000D- Habitat: Open woodland on a plain. In well-drained sand, in full sun. No biotic effect seen.

109807Euphorbia tettensis10 Jun 2012P Bester
BT Wursten 11129 RH Archer PRE
Gorongosa National Park, Muzamba River Gorge, 23 km SW from Inhaminga and 86 km ENE from Gorongosa Town.0Mozambique1834D2MS233

Herb 0.24 m tall with yellow and cream-coloured flowers Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Open shrubland on a limestone plateau. In well-drained sand, in full sun. No biotic effect seen.

108525Funtumia africana09 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11119 P Bester PRE
Gorongosa National Park, Muzamba River Gorge, 23 km SW from Inhaminga and 86 km ENE from Gorongosa Town.0Mozambique1834D2MS191

Tree 12 m tall. Rare.-x000D- Habitat: Forest on moderately steep SW-facing limestone hill slope. In well-drained loam, in light shade. No biotic effect seen.

112061Grewia forbesii11 Jun 2012JE Burrows
SM Burrows
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
P Bester
OG Maurin OM3960 EJD Schmidt BNRH
Gorongosa National Park, close to start of Nhamfisse River Gorge0Mozambique1834D2MS191

UJ DNA No. UJ09267

109264Gymnosporia mossambicensis subsp. mossambicensis11 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11144 M Jordaan PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 11 km NNW from Condué and 33 km SW of Inhaminga, Nhamfisse/Zamambo Gorge.0Mozambique1834D2MS148

Tree 0.4m tall , with cream-coloured flowers and orange fruit, growing in forest understorey. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Forest on a N-facing limestone hill slope. In well-drained loam, in dappled shade. No biotic effect seen.

109271Gymnosporia mossambicensis subsp. mossambicensis11 Jun 2012JE Burrows
SM Burrows
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
P Bester
OG Maurin OM3955 JE Burrows BNRH
Gorongosa National Park, Nhamfisse River Gorge mouth (Zamambo Gorge)0Mozambique1834D2MS215

UJ DNA No. UJ09260

108528Holarrhena pubescens08 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11109 P Bester PRE
± 10 km SSW of Inhaminga and ± 100 km ENE of Gorongosa Town.0Mozambique1834B4MS285

Tree 2 m tall with green fruit. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: In open woodland on a plain. In well-drained sand, in full sun. Biotic effect: roadside.

108529Holarrhena pubescens13 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11172 P Bester PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 5 km NNW from Condué and 37 km SW of Inhaminga.0Mozambique1834D2MS308

Tree 4.2 m tall with green fruit. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Open woodland on the gentle NE-facing slope of a plain. In well-drained loam, in light shade. Biotic effect: roadside.

108321Hypoestes forskaolii subsp. forskaolii10 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11131 KB Vollesen PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 4 km NNW of Conduè and 38 km SSW of Inhaminga.0Mozambique1834D2MS306

Herb 0.3 m tall; flowers white with purple markings. Growing in closed woodland in light shade on a plain. In well-drained loam. Occasional.

110130Leucas glabrata09 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11120 JJ Meyer PRE
Gorongosa National Park, Muzamba River Gorge, 23 km SW from Inhaminga and 86 km ENE from Gorongosa Town.0Mozambique1834D2MS226

Herb 0.32 m tall with white flowers. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Open shrubland on a limestone plateau. In well-drained sand, in full sun. No biotic effect seen.

108325Meiosperma monechmoides10 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11130 KB Vollesen BNRH
Gorongosa National Park, 4 km NNW from Condué and 38 km SSW from Inhaminga, W of ranger's post.0Mozambique1834D2MS306

Herb 0.32 m tall with purple flowers Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Closed Brachystegia woodland on a plain. In well-drained loam, in light shade. No biotic effect seen.

110669Microcoelia exilis12 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11163 C Archer PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 11 km NNW from Condué and 33 km SW of Inhaminga, Nhamfisse/Zamambo Gorge.0Mozambique1834D2 MS224

Epiphyte 0.08 m tall with white flowers growing on the bark of various trees including Teclea sp., Androstachys johnsonii and Euphorbia sp. Common.-x000D- Habitat: Open woodland on a limestone plateau, in light shade. No biotic effect seen.

108327Neuracanthus africanus09 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11114 JE Burrows PRE
Gorongosa National Park, Muzamba River Gorge, 23 km SW from Inhaminga and 86 km ENE from Gorongosa Town.0Mozambique1834D2MS223

Suffrutex 0.26 m tall. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Open shrubland on a limestone cliff-top. In well-drained loam, in full sun. No biotic effect seen.

111279Oldenlandia corymbosa var. caespitosa14 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11180 JE Burrows PRE
Catapu, ± 20 km NNE of Inhaminga and ± 28 km SSW of Caia.0Mozambique1835A1MS85

Herb 0.24 m tall; flowers pink to white. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Closed woodland on a plain. In well-drained sand, in light shade. Biotic effect: disturbed.

108558Oncinotis tenuiloba09 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11117 P Bester PRE
Gorongosa National Park, Muzamba River Gorge, 23 km SW from Inhaminga and 86 km ENE from Gorongosa Town.0Mozambique1834D2MS233

Climber. Rare..-x000D- Habitat: Forest on a steep NE-facing slope of limestone gorge. In well-drained loam, in deep shade. No biotic effect seen.

108328Phaulopsis imbricata subsp. imbricata15 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11189 KB Vollesen BNRH
Chimanimani Mountains, ± 68 km WSW of Chimoio.0Mozambique1932B4MS1278

Herb 0.44 m tall. Flowers white. Rare.-x000D- Habitat: Grassland on a NE-facing mountain slope. In well-drained sand, in full sun. Biotic effect: roadside.

112277Rhoicissus revoilii11 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11153 P Bester PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 11 km NNW from Condué and 33 km SW of Inhaminga, Nhamfisse/Zamambo Gorge.0Mozambique1834D2MS225

Shrub 1.8 m tall. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Open woodland on a limestone plateau. In level well-drained sand, in full sun. No biotic effect seen.

108576Saba comorensis11 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11152 P Bester PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 11 km NNW from Condué and 33 km SW of Inhaminga, Nhamfisse/Zamambo Gorge.0Mozambique1834D2MS161

Climber. Common.-x000D- Habitat: Forest in a limestone gorge. In level well-drained loam, in light shade. No biotic effect seen.

108577Saba comorensis12 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11157 P Bester PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 11 km NNW from Condué and 33 km SW of Inhaminga, Nhamfisse/Zamambo Gorge.0Mozambique1834D2MS161

Climber with white, pleasantly and sweetly scented flowers; fruit green. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Forest on a limestone cliff-top. In level well-drained sand, in full sun. No biotic effect seen.

108587Strophanthus courmontii11 Jun 2012JE Burrows
SM Burrows
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
P Bester
OG Maurin OM3958 JE Burrows BNRH
Gorongosa National Park, close to start of Nhamfisse River Gorge0Mozambique1834D2MS217

UJ DNA No. UJ09263

112121Strychnos madagascariensis18 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11207 M Jordaan PRE
Sunset Beach, 5 km S of Chidenguele.0Mozambique2434C3GI32

As Strychnos gerrardii in BMRH. Tree, 4 m tall; fruit glaucous green (pale green). Growing in campsite (street of dune), on coastal dune in disturbed open woodland on a N-facing slope. In well-drained sand, in full sun. Occasional.

112144Strychnos madagascariensis15 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11181 M Jordaan PRE
Msikaba Lodge at Chicamba Dam, ± 41 km WNW of Chimoio.0Mozambique1933A1MS631

Tree 3.6 m tall. Growing in garden in front of Lodge Rooms. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Savanna on a plain. In well-drained sand, in full sun. Biotic effect: disturbed.

109850Synadenium cameronii12 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11164 RH Archer JJ Meyer PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 11 km NNW from Condué and 33 km SW of Inhaminga, Nhamfisse/Zamambo Gorge.0Mozambique1834D2MS219

Succulent 1.8 m tall. Growing in shallow soil between limestone dome and accumulated sandy biotic material. Glands yellow with green flowers. Leaves speckled pink-maroon (especially obvious abaxially). Milky latex. Common.-x000D- Habitat: Open woodland on

110857Thalictrum rhynchocarpum15 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11190 P Bester PRE
Chimanimani Mountains, ± 72 km WSW of Chimoio.0Mozambique1932B4MS1278

Herb 0.4 m tall. ?Immature flowers cream-coloured. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Forest on a SE-facing mountain slope. In damp loam, in light shade. Biotic effect: roadside.

108853Vernonia colorata subsp. colorata12 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11170 PPJ Herman PRE
Gorongosa National Park, 7.8 km NNW from Condué and 36 km SW of Inhaminga, c. 7 km W of ranger's post near Condué.0Mozambique1834D2MS248

Tree or shrub 4 m tall with purple disc flowers only - most plants just starting to flower. Occasional.-x000D- Habitat: Open woodland on a plain. In well-drained sand, in full sun. Biotic effect: roadside.-x000D- -x000D- J.E. Burrows has a photo of the same plant.

110084Xylotheca tettensis var. tettensis11 Jun 2012JE Burrows
SM Burrows
M van der Bank
OG Maurin
M Koekemoer
D van der Walt
P Bester
OG Maurin OM3962 OG Maurin BNRH
Gorongosa National Park, close tothe start of Nhamfisse River Gorge.0Mozambique1834D2MS191

UJ DNA No. UJ09269

110877Ziziphus abyssinica13 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11175 M Jordaan PRE
Catapu, ± 20 km NNE of Inhaminga and ± 28 km SSW of Caia.0Mozambique1835A1MS273

Tree 4.8 m tall; fruit green with yellow and reddish tinge. Growing on a plain in open woodland in full sun. In well-drained sand. Occasional.

110880Ziziphus mauritiana17 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11206 M Jordaan PRE
3.7 km SSE of Pambarra and 16 km WSW of Vilanculos.0Mozambique2235A1GI24

Single-stemmed tree 4.5 m tall; flowers yellow-green; fruit green, growing between tar road and petrol station in open woodland in full sun. In well-drained sand. Occasional.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2014-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Malawi: Records made by Pieter Bester., retrieved 15 January 2025

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